Candy 於 2015-12-05 17:25:00 發表
Do you have the VIP room ( whole block) available from Dec 22 to Dec 24? for 4 persons, how much?
暱名 於 2015-12-07 12:14:00 發表
Dear Sir/ Madam:

This is Wei-Dan B&B.
About your inquires for accommodation,
we have Vip room(whole block) avaliable from Dec 22 to Dec 24, 2015.
This family room for 4 costs NT$6,800 per night.

If you would like to make a reservation, please let us know,
then we can provide more detail information for you.

Any futhur inquries, please don't be hesitate to contact us.
Thank you!

Wei-Dan B&B
Grace 於 2015-12-05 08:19:00 發表
1/30 要包棟最少可以住宿幾個人
暱名 於 2015-12-07 10:59:00 發表
YVONNE 於 2015-12-04 14:28:00 發表
請問12/5 假日四人房會有房嗎?或雙人房2間

暱名 於 2015-12-07 10:58:00 發表
Peter pan 於 2015-12-05 23:48:00 發表
jiawei 於 2015-12-02 21:53:00 發表
暱名 於 2015-12-02 22:39:00 發表